To our patients at Aspire Pain Relief Institute,

As ever, patient safety and wellness are our #1 priority. As COVID continues to develop daily, we are offering telemedicine (virtual video) appointments, telephone consultations, as well as in-person visits with our patients. Please call 813-296-5939 to set up your appointment.

Here are the other ways we are available to help: 

  • While permitted by law, we will see new patients in the office in order to place them within proper care treatment. 

  • Urgent procedures will be observed by strict hygiene and social distancing guidelines. To that effect, only the patient is allowed into our clinic unless they require assistance for mobilization. We ask that family members and other guests remain outside the clinic as we underline the need to only have a minimal number of people in our clinic at a given time.

  • For both new and existing patients – we are using masks and recommend that patients and staff do wear them when interacting in the clinic at all times.

We understand the importance of our patients’ need to get treatment, and we are undergoing every precaution and option available to us to make sure we are here for you. You don’t have to face the pain alone – contact our clinic to book your appointment today.

To Book your appointment, call our clinic at 813-296-5939