Joint Pain

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Joint Pain

At Aspire Pain Relief Institute, we specialize in treating chronic joint pain through minimally invasive procedures, so that our patients can get back to enjoying life and their activities with less pain and less downtime.

Joint pain affects millions of Americans, routinely leading to invasive and costly procedures such as hip and total knee replacements. Unfortunately, surgery does not always address the root cause of the pain and comes at a great cost to both the patient and our healthcare system. Fortunately, treatments are available that don’t involve addictive opioids or surgery.

Causes of Joint Pain
Our Procedures

Causes of Joint Pain

Pain can occur at any joint in the body, including the wrists, knees, shoulders, and hips. Chronic joint pain takes a toll on the individual, causing even limited movement to be very painful. We treat a number of underlying factors that cause joint pain including:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Injury
  • Wear-And-Tear
  • Cancer Side Effects
  • Bursitis
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Injury
  • Wear-And-Tear
  • Cancer Side Effects
  • Bursitis
  • Autoimmune diseases

Areas Treated:







Our Procedures

Surgery isn’t the only option for sufferers of joint pain. In fact, sometimes it leads to more pain down the line. Our patients have received much better outcomes with our minimally invasive pain programs for the joints. Some of these medical treatments include:

Trigger Point Injections

Treats painful areas of muscle with knots or “trigger points” formed when muscles don’t relax.

Joint Injections

An injection of anesthetic and steroid to reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

Bursa Injections

A steroid medication injected into a bursa to help reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

Aspire To Be Pain Free – Contact Us Today!

Aspire To Be Pain Free
Contact Us Today!

Trust Aspire, A Leader in Chronic Joint Pain Treatment

The board-certified physicians at Aspire Pain Relief Institute are uniquely qualified to treat the true source of your pain; we call it your “pain generator.” While sometimes an MRI has compelling imagery, such as joint space narrowing, our physicians perform extensive evaluation to determine the underlying source and create a specialized program to relieve chronic pain.