How are your New Year’s resolutions holding up? Now that we’re well into 2021, a year we all vowed to improve our lives and make the best of our situation, the team at Aspire Pain Relief Institute would like to share some tips and tricks for making 2021 your best year yet.

No More Pain in 2021

Did you know that chronic pain is the #1 reason why Americans access the healthcare system? Back pain, neck pain, knee pain, migraines, and other conditions such as these do not always require surgery or medication to manage.

At Aspire, our team of award-winning medical professionals is here to help. With a vast array of alternative procedures and treatment plans, we focus on identifying the “pain generator” rather than masking the pain and your symptoms. Our founder, Dr. Jose Sarria, is a noted Top Doctor in Tampa and has helped thousands of people in Tampa suffering from chronic pain get the relief they deserve. After all – living in pain severely impacts a person’s quality of life. That’s why we are dedicated to helping end the unnecessary suffering of people and help them get back to a path of wellness and activity!

Get Moving

Nothing feels better than the rush of endorphins you get from a workout! Take care of your body, because at the end of the day, it’s all we really have. And that’s why it feels so good to stretch, get moving, get your heart pumping and energize the body.

The best part is that even a little bit of exercise can make a big difference in a very short period of time. Try making a 30-minute walk part of your daily routine, or by setting another goal that you can build up to. Your body will thank you for it.

Set Goals for Your Mental Health

Focusing on your inner mental health is also critical in helping you achieve your health and wellness goals. 2020 was an unprecedented year, and one that we will all mark in our memory as chaotic, uncertain, and for many people – lonely. As the COVID vaccine rolls out in Tampa Bay, we still must practice safe, hygienic, and socially-distanced activities to protect ourselves and our loved ones.

At Aspire Pain Relief Institute, our patients get access to a licensed therapist and psychological support as part of our mandate to treat the whole person. Pain can have deep psychological impacts, and addressing them with intention is the route to achieving true wellness.

To learn more about how to make 2021 your best year, contact the team at Aspire today! We’re ready to help you on your journey to a pain-free life.