Did you know that approximately 80% of people experience back pain at some point in their lives? When left untreated, back pain can take a serious toll on both physical and mental wellness. Keep reading to learn about different types of back pain and how the specialists at Aspire Pain Relief Institute can help you achieve long-term back pain relief in Tampa.

Types of Back Pain

If you’re struggling with back pain, you’re not alone. Here are a few of the most common conditions:
Scoliosis: Abnormal sideways curvature of the spine, often noticed during adolescence. The exact cause is unknown, but factors like genetics or muscle imbalances may contribute. Scoliosis can lead to poor posture, uneven shoulder blades, and, in severe cases, breathing difficulties. Treatment ranges from observation to bracing or surgery.

  • Spinal fractures: Occur when one or more vertebrae break or collapse due to trauma or weakened bones (osteoporosis). Symptoms include severe back pain, loss of height, and sometimes neurological symptoms. Treatment may involve pain management, bracing, or surgery.
  • Herniated discs: The soft inner core of the spinal disc protrudes through a tough outer layer and presses on the nerves. Herniated discs cause pain, numbness, or weakness in the back, legs, or arms. Risk factors include age-related wear and tear, repetitive motions, and obesity. Treatment ranges from conservative measures to surgery.
  • Degenerative conditions: Age-related changes in spine structures lead to chronic pain and reduced mobility. Includes osteoarthritis, degenerative disc disease, and spinal stenosis. Management involves lifestyle modifications, physical therapy, medications, and sometimes surgery.
  • Muscle strain: Occurs when back muscles or tendons are stretched or torn due to sudden movements, overexertion, or improper lifting. Symptoms include localized pain and stiffness. Treatment includes rest, ice, over-the-counter pain relievers, and sometimes physical therapy.

These different conditions can all cause pain in the lower, middle and upper regions of the back. However, it’s important to note that back pain isn’t always linked to a serious condition—anything from poor posture to muscle strains to old age can lead to pain. No matter the cause, it’s essential to seek treatment.

Back Pain Treatments

At Aspire Pain Relief Institute, we offer minimally invasive treatments tailored to your unique symptoms and conditions. Our goal is to deliver long-term results, without relying on invasive and complex surgical methods. Our leading treatments include the following:

  • Epidural steroid injections: Primarily used for herniated discs, this treatment involves injecting anti-inflammatory medication directly into the epidural space around the spinal cord and nerves. The goal is to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain in the affected area, providing temporary relief.
  • Percutaneous disc decompression: A minimally invasive procedure used to treat herniated or bulging discs, percutaneous disc decompression involves removing a portion of the intervertebral disc. By reducing the herniation size, pressure on the nerves is alleviated, leading to relief from associated pain and symptoms.
  • Spinal cord stimulation: This treatment involves implanting a small device near the spinal cord, similar to a pacemaker. The device delivers electrical impulses that disrupt pain signals traveling to the brain, providing relief over time. Spinal cord stimulation is typically used for chronic pain conditions that have not responded to other treatments.
  • Sacroiliac joint injection: Administered directly into the base of the spine, this procedure involves injecting a combination of anesthetic and anti-inflammatory medication to alleviate pain and inflammation in the joint. It is commonly used to diagnose and treat pain stemming from sacroiliac joint dysfunction.
  • Intrathecal pumps: Intrathecal pumps deliver pain medication directly to the spinal cord. This targeted delivery system can provide more effective pain relief with lower medication doses than oral medications. It is often used for chronic pain conditions that have not responded to other treatments.
  • Vertebroplasty/Kyphoplasty: These procedures are used to treat vertebral fractures caused by osteoporosis or trauma. Both involve injecting a unique cement mixture into the fractured vertebra to stabilize it.
  • Radiofrequency ablation: This treatment involves using radiofrequency waves to generate heat, which is then applied to specific nerves responsible for transmitting pain signals. By disrupting these nerves, radiofrequency ablation can provide long-lasting relief from chronic pain conditions such as arthritis or facet joint dysfunction.

Struggling With Back Pain? Aspire Pain Relief Institute is Here to Help

Ready for relief? Whether you’re dealing with herniated discs, an injury or an unknown condition, you can trust the specialists at Aspire Pain Relief Institute to get to the root of the problem. We don’t just mask your symptoms with medication; rather, we identify the underlying issue, then create a specialized treatment plan just for you. Want to learn more? Make an appointment today!