Dealing with back pain can be annoying, debilitating and overwhelming. Whether at work, home or play, the pain and suffering can become so intense that life seems to stop and wait until a reprieve is located. There are many so-called solutions available, but unfortunately very few actually address the problem, and instead simply try to mask the pain.

The Aspire Difference

At Aspire Pain Relief Institute, we view back pain differently. While many treatments involve simply killing the pain, our goal is to locate the source of the problem and deal with the actual underlying issue. Our team of specialists can evaluate your pain, and work to locate the cause of the problem or what we call the “pain generator.”By treating the source, we don’t just reduce the pain, but we treat and work to resolve the original issues generating the pain.

Our Treatments

We treat lower, middle and upper back pain, Scoliosis, fractures and many degenerative conditions. These are some examples of our treatments and how they can help you cope with back pain. Some of our methods are even non-surgical, making treatments easier and less complicated whenever possible.

  • Epidural Steroid Injections. ESI is a minimally invasive procedure utilizing an x-ray guided needle to apply anesthesia and steroid into the offending area of the spine. This procedure reduces inflammation and decreases pain levels substantially.
  • Spinal Cord Stimulation. Mild electrical impulses are applied to the nerves near the spinal cord, disrupting signals carrying pain to the brain and providing relief for chronic pain.
  • Radiofrequency Ablation. Applied after successful nerve blocks, this procedure involves placing a needle near an offending nerve to reduce the sensations of pain in the area.
  • Sacroiliac Joint Injection. In this treatment, the joint of the two large bones in the lower back area is injected with a combination of anesthesia and steroid, reducing inflammation and lowering the sensations of pain.

These along with other procedures can provide professional, effective relief and, in many cases, a genuine solution to the original issues causing the back pain to exist.

Medical Excellence

The Aspire Pain Relief Institute utilizes a modern, unique and powerful method of treating back pain without the excessive use of opioids and other problematic solutions. Our medical team is dedicated to locating the source of the pain and providing real answers with effective results to correct the underlying issues. Interventional pain medicine techniques provide our patients with alternatives to the ongoing opioid epidemic, with genuine, life-changing applications that bring honest, reliable relief for back pain.

Reach Out For Help

If you suffer from back pain and need some real solutions, reach out to our team of professionals today. Our innovative, fresh approach to back pain solutions may be just the answer you need for long-term, powerful relief. Our unique treatment procedures and dedication to determining the actual source of the pain may be able to set you free and restore your life to its fullest once again. Don’t endure another day of suffering, reach out for answers today.